Womb Wellness Guidance from Queen Afua

October 2024 | New Jersey

In 2019, Queen Afua shared powerful wisdom on womb wellness and spiritual alignment that’s guided me as a mother of two and soon-to-be wife. Discover how connecting with the womb can foster deep, lasting healing for women everywhere.

Writer: Chante Dyson | Photos by Nicole Guillen

this article was originally published to Black Girl in Om on December 13th, 2019.

My life changed one rainy day in Seattle. I was scrolling through Instagram and saw an influencer that I admired post about this book called Sacred Woman. The influencer raved about how this book had been pivotal to her spiritual growth and transition from a natural hair blogger to working in the spiritual space. I was intrigued. At the time I wasn’t happy with my life. I wasn’t quite sure where exactly I was going, but I knew I was in transition and that this book would be a guide for me while I figured it out. I encouraged my best friend and I to read the book together.

It felt both foreign and familiar to us.

Looking back, I see how the book not only was pivotal for my own personal growth and healing, but a staple in building the strongest and closet sisterhood of my life. Me and my girl bonded through Sacred Woman. Re-reading the book in 2019 was such an eye-opener for the both of us, realizing that we’ve already grown so much in the last two years and what was once foreign to us is now like second nature.

Today we have our altars, we are in sync with the moon, we’ve transitioned our diets, we study our African ancestral wisdom and knowledge. We have evolved.

This is what I wish for every woman. I want her to tap into the depths of her soul and propel forward with the guidance of ancestral knowledge and the support of a loving community. Queen Afua is both legendary and iconic. A woman who has truly lived in purpose and has changed many lives in the process. Her impact is clear— even years later after reading Sacred Woman for the very first time. Queen Afua is a force that has inspired healing in women all over the land, especially for women of African descent.

Our healing is not linear, it is expansive.

When one woman heals, a family heals, then a community, then the world. I give infinite thanks to Queen Afua for being a guiding light in all of our lives, and for sparking a tremendous change in our people worldwide. It is an honor to interview one of my icons and present these words of wisdom to our beloved community here at Black Girl In Om. May these messages on womb wellness inspire you, lift your spirit, and remind you of yourself. Please be sure to share this with a woman whom you love, remembering that your healing is mine and mine is yours.


On Being in Conversation with Our Wombs

CD: Why should we as women be having conversations with our wombs? 

QA: Our womb represents not only our physical body, but our emotional body. It is our core, where life comes through. Everyone on the planet comes through the womb, but in order to even bring someone into the womb, it really starts through the thoughts. The thoughts within the heart. You take that in and it shows itself in the physical womb. We have to speak not “down there” but “in here” with the womb. That attitude of speaking to her means that we have a relationship with our womb. And as we begin doing our womb work, we’re going to have a healthier relationship with our wombs.

If you have a friend that you don’t speak to, you’re not going to have a healthy relationship. You have to communicate. The more that we can communicate with our inner selves, with our bodies, with our wombs.—the more connected and the healthier our wombs are going to be. Our wombs have taken in all of the energy from our intimate relationships—the pain, frustration, all of our feel-goods, all of our demise— and it has something to tell us. The womb condition shows up and communicates to us often as pain. How that pain is expressed is that every month, when we have our menses we release our pain, hurt, and our woundedness.

And the average woman is medicating herself. She’s medicating her womb by taking pain killers. She is bleeding heavy and is letting us know that she is hurting. But as we get older, if we don’t know how to do our womb healing, we lose her. By not communicating with her, we have all of these womb issues from hysterectomies etc. Have that inner conversation with her. She will reveal everything she needs. I’ve watched that in women in many of cycles. I ask women to listen to her (their womb) and ask her “What do you need that will help you to stay with me, so you can be healthy or whole?” And the womb will respond, “take a dance class, tell people the truth, stop poisoning me, that relationship is toxic, don’t have anymore intercourse with him, take time to heal yourself.” Women are often shocked to learn that their womb has a voice once they tap in. They get emotional and say yes to listening to her from now on.

CD: One thing I found really powerful about your books in particular, is that you sometimes offer an example for how women can begin to have direct conversations with her womb. So can you offer an example of how we can speak to our womb for those of us who are new to speaking with ourselves so intimately? 

QA: One of the ways is to take time and be still because we are very busy. Women have a lot of responsibilities. We’re taking care of the family, going to work, on the computer, making connections, networking. A lot of things are taking us outside of ourselves. So give yourself a full 28-day cycle to focus on self-love and self-care. Let’s focus on the creation stored within ourselves.

Rise up early between the hours of 4-6am. This is called melanin time, where your consciousness can pour out like a river. Be sure to eat lightly and head to be early so that you can rise feeling clear in spirit.  [After 7, just have liquids. Have tea, water, fruit, salad. Don’t have heavy foods.] When you rise, light a candle and begin a prayer that coincides with what you need. This is called a ‘prayer of giving thanks’. You create your own thankfulness:

“Thank You Most High for giving me an opportunity to wake up early and heal my womb. Thank you Most High for letting me have a womb. Thank You Most High for allowing me to focus in so I can get rid of my womb pain”

It’s all about gratitude. And this gratitude creates a womb affirmation. With that gratitude, transition into breathing. You breathe into three centers: the womb of the mind, the womb of the heart, and the womb of creation. There’s a prayer that I often give -- you put your hands in prayer pose and over your first eye and you say, “Awaken The Womb of the mind, for what I think, I birth, I create.” Take a nice deep breath and place your palms over your heart center (right between your breasts), and you’ll say “Awaken The Womb of my heart, for what I feel, I birth, I create.” Take another deep breath and place your palms over your ovaries and fallopian tubes. Create a triangle or pyramid shape. Right palm over right ovary, and left palm over left ovary reciting the affirmation, “Awaken my seat of creation, for what I think and what I feel, I birth through my seat of creation. And today, I birth womb wellness. Today I Birth a new world of body, mind, and spiritual wholeness”. You may also tell yourself, “my womb has a voice and she can speak.” And from that point on you ask her, “What are you feeling?” And she’ll tell you. Then you’ll say, “What do you need for me to do to heal us?”, and she will answer dependent upon your willingness to listen. When you hear her, you confirm with her, “I will keep my word. I will do what you ask of me to heal us.”

On Being Empowered in Your Body As a Woman

CD: What’s been on my mind as of late is how, in our current political landscape, there are several conversations and various legislations in action surrounding women’s bodies autonomy and reproductive rights. What are some ways spiritually, that we can take our power back during these moments?

QA: There is a page in Circle of Wellness that features this image called The Cost of Not Knowing; and the image is all about overcoming. Continue seeing your physician/OBGYN, but also become more responsible for your own womb care. Not blaming everyone but, the first thing is to take responsibility for your womb care. You have to get information in order to take responsibility, otherwise you’re clueless. You need your training and education. All women have to learn this. We’re not going to fight outside, we’re going to win inside. The most revolutionary thing that you could possibly do is take the time “in” to restore your womb into wholeness and balance. And so we go to Mother Nature and we begin to heal ourselves. We do it through community. Women are communal by nature. We come into circles with other women striving to heal themselves and we begin. We have all ages in the circles because women have not been taught this work. We have to take care of ourselves as women. 

CD: Can you speak on the heavy usage of hormonal birth control pills and offer our community alternative ways of monitoring our fertility?

QA: Radionics is what allowed me to have more control and what willed me the power to have my children when I was ready to have them. However, NOT everyone is not ready for radionics. Radionics is energy healing. And in order for this to work for you, in order for you to be able to pick up your days of fertility, one must be extremely centered. Another way, though, is to find a master numerologist and they will be able to tell you, your most fertile or infertile days. Fertility awareness, radionics, and numerology are all ways that can support this.

On Demistyfying Womanhood

CD: What are some common myths or taboos around women’s menstrual health that you see most commonly accepted by women worldwide?

QA: One of the key ones is women in pain. We believe that we are supposed to have pain. It’s been told to us spiritually through the story of Adam and Eve, where we fell from grace and pain was bestowed upon us as punishment, so we accepted it.

When I was 13 and had my first menstrual flow, I had intense pain up until 16 and I changed my lifestyle. Every month I was throwing up, nauseous, stressed out, mood swings. I was eating a toxic lifestyle and things shifted when I became vegan. I came off of the meat, fats, sugar, processed. And I ate all of my foods from the garden. Two months later, I had no pain. Pretty soon the menstrual cycle began to shorten. You don’t have to be in pain. When women go through Sacred Woman, I always ask how many came with menstrual pain - 90% of them would raise their hand. I would then ask how many people are leaving with no pain and 90% of them would raise their hand. They had no pain!

The womb reflects what you’re eating and what’s eating you. The starch, the flesh foods, the processed foods -- that is what the fibroid is made of. Real food repairs and rejuvenates you. That’s from the garden, the trees, the soil, the ocean (in the form of sea vegetables). They energize and they clean. Non-food just accumulates in the uterus, womb, arteries, and the brain. The common theme is no more pain for any woman and no more heavy bleeding. Clean up your blood by coming off of the flesh and the dairy and taking up the greens from the field. Green juices, salads, avocados, limes and etc. A life of green. Incorporate that into your everyday life and that will restore you to wholeness.

So many women, because our wombs are so toxic, we are conceiving children in that state of pain. And throughout the labor we are experiencing kidney failure etc. Nourish yourself throughout your day. Sometimes we are starving because we’re on the go. Do your work now so the problems can alleviate. Take responsibility for your womb care and come into a circle of women who are also taking responsibility for their womb care and becoming educated on how to heal their wombs. You don’t have to throw out your OBGYN, but this work will allow your OBGYN to be proud of the work that you’ve already done for yourself. And don’t worry about the government. The government has nothing to do with my womb healing. 

CD: Does being a Sacred Woman look any specific way? How do you know if you are a Sacred Woman? 

QA: We all are sacred. The Divine, which we refer to as many names, Most High, God, Oludumare, Allah, there’s only One. There are different languages of expressing The One. The One is sacred in you. Where is the Most High dwelling inside of us? Inside of our wombs, inside of our hearts, inside of our minds. So that’s why we can ask the Most High within us, what should I do to heal myself? You’ll hear that voice of The Creator. Our womb will speak to us through our Oneness to the divine. So whether we’re in Corporate America, whether we’re entrepreneurs, artists, etc; all the women deserve wellness in the whole land. That is what will unify us and will strengthen us as women, period. It’s not your job, education, or finances. It’s us connecting to who we are. Most of the women who come into Corporate America, it’s because they went to college and they were trained to work for Corporate America. And many went to college because they knew they wanted to own their own corporation. When you heal, you get confident and realize you can start to gather your sisters together and start your own corporation, with an environment that speaks to your higher self. So yes, all of the women come together and it’s a wonderful mesh of women. The women are the healers, bottom line. If the women are suffering, everyone is suffering. When a woman knows how to heal herself, she can heal her man.

On Manifesting Divine Love

CD: How do we prepare and detox with a potential mate before coming together in a union? 

QA: You always have to start with self. Once you are living the healing lifestyle, you’re frequency raises up. All of the issues that we are having in our lives are frequency issues. Most have adverse or neutral frequency. The goal is to get the frequency to optimal. If your body frequency, food frequency, mind frequency, emotional frequency is low, the goal is to get to optimal. Once you get to optimal, you begin to radiate and it goes out and touches everyone in your family and community. It starts spreading wherever you go. So when I go to the airport people are smiling at me. It’s my frequency! Thus, in terms of a mate— if you want a good mate, a healthy mate, a vibrant mate, a mate who will be loving to you—you have to raise your frequency. That’s all.

By taking care of your wellness, which is the core of you, we become mindful of what we are creating. This creates a law of attraction for a healthy relationship. If we start to study all of our relationships we will see that they correspond with where we were at during that time of our lives. So if you allow yourself time to heal, then you are going to find your mate. I tell women, your mate is inside of you, go find him. If you say you don’t have time to heal, you’ll get a partner who doesn’t have time for you. To the level that you love yourself is the level he’s going to love, adore, and lift you up.

As a people, we were stolen. We were put onto plantations for 8 generations. We didn’t have a way back to ourselves. We have the highest rates of hysterectomies, fibroid tumors and etc. But we are the original healers. So if we would embrace nature as our path (we are natural people, sun people), then we will heal ourselves as women and our men will come forward. There’s peace and happiness throughout the land, it’s just a frequency issue. The higher the frequency, the greater the healing. If we raise up our frequency and hold the frequency, we will attract what we want. And you can’t do it alone. So it’s not about what the President is saying or what Congress is saying. They aren’t giving us permission to heal. It’s on us to heal ourselves. Clean out your bloodstream, clean out your colon, clean out your heart and forgive everyone because they’re all a part of your life’s mission, restore your mind, and affirm your consciousness. With that we become whole women creating whole men. They come together, they conceive a child and the child is healthy.

Thank you for reading!

With love,


Chante Dyson is a Lifestyle and Wellness Content Creator based in New Jersey. She is the founder of The Godyssey, a lifestyle blog where she helps Black mothers find balance, empowerment, and fulfillment in every aspect of their lives. On her blog, you’ll find lifestyle content touching on motherhood, career, wellness, style and empowerment. She hopes that her content helps Black mothers to honor and express their divine feminine energy and power as goddesses.

Read more here.


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